Welcome to Swalot Island!

Don't just sit there and waste your precious time. When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets

Epilepsy warning for some possible content on the website.


Favorite games

  • Spore
  • Super Mario 64
  • Doom
  • Sonic Mania
  • Pizza Tower
  • Links to other cool sites and stuff (Might make this it's own individual page)

  • Visit Melonking.Net!
  • Serebii.net: Sadly missing my favorite page now but it's still a classic website for Pokemon (Though everyone already knows about it).
  • Pokefactory: Extremely nostalgic website, especially love the strange red and blue section of fakemon.
  • Render 96
  • Maribel Hearn: just a cool Touhou portal.
  • Osamu Sato
  • Ulillillia
  • Favorite quotes

  • “It may be for a moment, but my fire roars up so bright and hot, it's almost blinding. And then, all that remains is pure white ash .”
  • "I always tried to take the fastest shortcut in this race, but...the shortest path was a detour. It was a detour that was our shortest path. It's been true the entire time we've been crossing this continent. And it's because of you we were able to take that path."
  • “I'm not going there to die. I'm going to find out if I'm really alive.”
  • Favorite characters


    I don't know what my online alias should be anymore so just call me Love Train. I am an artist who struggles to draw, other then that I don't really know what I am.

    Myfigurecollection Myanimelist As to be expected of one who has fused with a god!